Cinderella's Had a Drink
Written by Tommy Atkins
If it’s a minute ‘til midnight
And your bestie’s tryin’ to call it a night
Fumbling her words, reaching for her purse
Let me clear something up…
This ain’t no fairytale at play
No fairy godmother that’s having her way (mm-mn)
If she’s up and turned you loose, left behind one of her shoes
That can only mean one thing…
Cinderella’s had a drink…
She’s been drunk-dialling her prince, ow, ow!
She’s bagged herself a cab for a carriage
And she’s speeding away
This happens every single time
You mix a good time girl with just a little red wine
She set out to have a ball, and she did
Cinderella’s had a drink… ow, ow!
I’ll bet you twenty bucks tomorrow
She calls in sick and calls to see if you’re home
You’ll take her for supplies - a big mac, a shake and fries -
And hold her hair while she it throws up
She’ll detail every single kiss
And punch your arm when you start taking the piss
While she’s looking in the mirror, looking like an ugly sister
‘Cos tonight it’s clinkety-clink…
Cinderella’s had a drink…
She’s been drunk-dialling her prince, ow, ow!
She’s bagged herself a cab for a carriage
And she’s speeding away
This happens every single time
You mix a good time girl with just a little red wine
She set out to have a ball, and she did
Cinderella’s had a drink… ow, ow!
Cinderella’s had a drink
And you enable her, according to her shrink
But y’all always have a ball on the piss
Cinderella’s had a drink… ow, ow!